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Journal of Surgery and Interventional Radiology


Scope of the Journal


right arrow  Dr.Boris Evgeniev Sakakushev
Professor in General Surgery, Propedeutics of Surgical Diseases Department, Medical University of Plovdiv
Email: bsakakushev@gmail.com


right arrow  Dr.Stephen C. Machnicki
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology Department, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Email: SMachnicki@northwell.edu
right arrow  Dr.Ahmed Albakr
Urologist, Hamed Medical Corporation
Email: ahmedalbakr@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Carlos Darcy Alves Bersot
Professor, HCOR, Department of Surgery Department, Hospital for the Heart
Email: carlosbersot@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Nakeya Dewaswala
Assistant Professor, Adult Cardiovascular Medicine Department, University of Kentucky
Email: nakeya52@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Juan Antonio Cámara Serrano
Research Assistant, Preclinical Therapeutics Core Department, University of California San Francisco
Email: JuanAntonio.Camaraserrano@ucsf.edu
right arrow  Dr.Suryansh Bajaj
Resident Physician, Diagnostic Radiology Department, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Email: suryanshbajaj26@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Harish Kumar Kabilan
Plastic Surgeon, Kalp Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery
Email: drharishkumark@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Emanuele Rossetti
Doctor, Emergency-Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Department, Bambino Gesù Children\'s Hospital
Email: emanuele.rossetti@opbg.net
right arrow  Dr.Valentinos Sofokleous
Consultant, Otorhinolaryngology Department, Athens General Children’s Hospital “P. & A. Kyriakou”
Email: sofokleousv@outlook.com
right arrow  Dr.Emanuele Cigna
Professor, Plastic Surgery and Microsurgery Department, Pisa University Hospital
Email: emanuele.cigna@unipi.it
right arrow  Dr.Sadek Al Fakih
Professor, Surgery and Medicine Faculty Department, Taiz University
Email: drsadekabdullah@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Nandan Kumar Mondal
Assistant Professor, Surgery Department, Baylor College of Medicine
Email: mondal@bcm.edu
right arrow  Dr.Giuseppe Lanza
Associate Professor, General Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialties Department, University of Catania
Email: glanza@oasi.en.it
right arrow  Dr.Aparna Chavan
Professor, Otolaryngology HNS Department, All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal
Email: aparnachavan8@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Ephraim Rebba
Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology Department, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Patna
Email: ephraim.vanquisher18@gmail.com; ephraim11152@aiimspatna.org
right arrow  Dr.Jaspreet Singh Shergill
Assistant Professor, General Surgery Department, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bathinda
Email: shergilljs@yahoo.co.in
right arrow  Dr.Phanindra Kumar Swain
Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology Department, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhubaneswar
Email: pkskrzzy123@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Boris Evgeniev Sakakushev
Professor in General Surgery, Propedeutics of Surgical Diseases Department, Medical University of Plovdiv
Email: bsakakushev@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Jeannot Baanitse Munihire
Resident in surgery , Resident in surgery Department, Sapientia catholic University of Goma
Email: jeannotb001@gmail.com
right arrow  Dr.Saswati Behera
Assistant Professor, Pediatric Surgery Department, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Email: drshaswati67@gmail.com

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